There is a lot of talk today about hormonal treatments, but much of the sensational attention paid to it is about using hormones to achieve unnatural results. That is not the same thing as hormone therapy. 

Unfortunately, there is confusing and conflicting information out there, and it can mislead people about what legitimate hormone therapy is and how it works. Let’s look at some false ideas people have about hormone therapy.

Myth #1: Hormone Therapy Achieves Unnatural Results

It is true that people, including athletes and bodybuilders, have abused things like growth hormones to achieve unnatural results. That is not hormone therapy.

Your body’s endocrine system produces more than 50 different hormones. These hormones are necessary for the proper growth and functioning of your body’s systems. For example, serious hormonal imbalances are responsible for conditions like gigantism or dwarfism. Thankfully, most people do not have these problems. At the same time, this does not mean that everyone’s hormonal levels are optimum. 

When your hormones are out of balance, it can affect your mood, energy, digestion, mental clarity, weight, sleep, and ability to handle stress. The goal of sound hormone therapy is to support your body’s endocrine system with natural compounds and supplements that will help keep your hormonal levels at their optimum so you can function at your peak. It is not to turn you into something you are not.

Myth #2: Hormone Therapy is Untried and Risky

Hormone therapy has been around for at least 60 years. Much of the early treatment focused on helping women deal with the adverse symptoms that often accompany menopause, including loss of bone mass. While this therapy can be helpful to women to ease their transition into post-menopause, today’s hormone therapy goals are more holistic. Instead of addressing a narrow problem, hormone therapy can be part of a comprehensive approach to achieving optimal well-being.

Unfortunately, your diet, lifestyle, age, and environmental factors affect your endocrine system. The goal of hormone therapy is to bring your hormonal levels up to where you would be if your endocrine system were functioning at its best. 

At REVV, we use bioidentical hormones – that is, hormones that are biologically identical to the natural hormones that your own body produces, not synthetic hormones. The supplements we use are natural and bioidentical; they do not risk your health.

Myth #3: Hormone Therapy is Just a Gimmick

We get this: there are lots of products out there that have all sorts of health claims. But we don’t just rely on vague claims. At REVV, our results are measurable.

The basis of our therapy program is analyzing our clients’ bloodwork. Based on the numbers, we recommend a personalized program of hormone therapy compounds. We determine the types and dosages by directly referring to the numbers we see in those tests. Moreover, we order frequent blood tests so that we – and you – can see whether your therapy program is making a difference.

Some supplement programs rely more on the “placebo” effect – patients claim that they are feeling better just because they expect to feel better, even though you have not given them anything that has a true benefit. With each new test, you will not only be able to assess the effectiveness of the therapy based on how you feel but on whether the compounds are achieving actual results. However, we are confident that you will notice benefits without these numbers: you will sleep better, have more energy, and find it easier to achieve your weight and fitness goals.

Myth: Hormone Treatment is a Quick Fix

At REVV, we know that achieving hormonal balance is critical to good health. At the same time, we do not want anyone to think that all you have to do is take some supplements to achieve good health. Hormone therapy is not magic, and it is not a shortcut. But it can be a critical component of your well-being.

Eating right, exercising regularly, and maintaining a healthy weight are all necessary for good health. But hormonal imbalances can prevent you from staying committed to your health goals. They can make it difficult to lose weight or to maintain energy levels that help you stay on a fitness regimen. They can also affect your mood; when you are depressed or stressed, you lack the motivation to keep moving forward.

Hormone therapy is a crucial component of your health. When your hormone levels are optimal – often in your twenties – you do not even think about them. When you are young, you find it easy to stay in shape even if your diet is less than healthy and you do not sleep as much as you should. But as you age, your hormone levels can be affected by your body’s natural regeneration, environmental factors, diet, stress, and other factors. Hormone therapy can restore that “twenty-something” sense of feeling good both physically and mentally.

To find out more about the genuine benefits that hormone therapy can provide, contact REVV Health today.