As you age, particularly when you pass 40, you notice that you are no longer at the top of your physical and even mental game. Especially for people who lead an active lifestyle, you sometimes find that you are half a step behind. 

Have you been feeling like your body isn’t performing the way it used to? 

Often, people attribute this slow-down to their advancing years. And truly, it is to be expected that you can no longer keep up with the twenty-somethings. But sometimes, you feel that your lack of vitality is a bit more pronounced than it should be. 

You may be right. If you are feeling more worn out than expected and your mind is not as sharp as it used to be, you may be suffering from a testosterone deficiency. 

Symptoms of Low-T

If the reason for feeling drained is a result of low testosterone, here are some of the signs and symptoms you may be experiencing:

  • Decreased sex drive
  • Reduced sexual performance
  • Lower energy 
  • A general feeling of fatigue
  • Difficulty concentrating 
  • Low motivation
  • Weight gain
  • Hair loss on the body or scalp
  • Less beard growth
  • Loss of lean muscle mass
  • Depression

You may be feeling just a few of these symptoms or a lot of them. But these are typical signs that your testosterone levels may be too low.

Effects of Hormonal Imbalances

Many people do not think of hormonal imbalances as a potential source of their problems. They are more likely to connect these symptoms to other factors: too much stress from their jobs, not getting enough sleep, not eating right, and not exercising. These elements are critical to your health and well-being, of course. But all of these factors may also be related to a more fundamental problem contributing to your feeling run-down.

The fact is, low-T problems can put you into a cycle of behavior that lowers your testosterone levels even more. For example, if you are low-T, you may gain weight and feel less motivated to exercise. You may have difficulty concentrating on your work, which may make your job more difficult, leading to stress. Unfortunately, this lack of physical activity and pressure can lower your testosterone levels even more. 

The effects of low testosterone can be serious. It can lead to obesity, diabetes, loss of bone density and mass, loss of muscle mass, and cardiovascular disease. So how do you break this cycle and get back to being yourself?

The first step should be to identify whether low-T is the culprit. Thankfully, this can be determined with a simple blood test. A blood draw can be analyzed in many different ways because your blood contains several health markers, including your hormone levels. If your testosterone levels are low, it will show up in a blood test.

The “normal” range for male testosterone is 300 to 1000 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL). The averages, however, are usually between 350 ng/dL and 600 ng/dL, with a man’s peak testosterone level usually at age 18 or 19. However, just because you are in the “normal” range for a man your age does not mean your levels are optimal. To improve your health, you want to ensure that all of your hormones are balanced, including testosterone.

How To Remedy Low Testosterone

At REVV Health, we aim to help our clients achieve optimal hormonal health. We start with a simple blood test. Through the test, we determine whether a hormonal imbalance may be the source of your health issues. Based on what we measure, we formulate a personal regimen of natural compounds designed to boost your body’s production of testosterone to bring your body into balance. We continue to monitor your hormone levels through periodic blood tests that may require changes to these compounds.

Supplementing your regular diet with these compounds is a critical first step in improving your health. They will help you to reverse the downward spiral and get your body back on track. Making further lifestyle changes, such as improving your diet and exercise routine, can also help boost your body’s testosterone production. Our compounds can help you get the jump-start and motivation you need to lead a healthier, more vibrant life. For more information about what we can do for you, contact REVV Health today.