At REVV Health, we provide our clients with an individualized analysis of their hormonal condition and offer hormone therapy to replace depleted levels. Because this is a medical service, people often ask us why their medical insurance does not cover our services and products. This is a good question, and it deserves an answer.

Medical Insurance Operates Within a Specific Framework

Both the insurance industry and the medical industry operate within very rigid regulatory frameworks governed by numerous laws and regulations at both the state and federal levels. Doctors, pharmacists, medications, pharmaceutical companies, and medical machines are all subject to extensive legal requirements. It is a heavily regulated industry that includes testing, licensing, reporting, and oversight requirements. 

In addition, insurance companies and policies have their own rules and regulations that specify what treatments they will cover and how much they will cover. These insurance companies are also heavily regulated regarding what they can offer, what information they have to provide, and so on. 

But more pointedly, insurers are in the business of minimizing risk – that is, minimizing the risk of paying out a higher percentage of the premiums they collect than they need to. This is why, for example, many insurances will not cover experimental therapies, preventative therapies, or, in many cases, off-label uses of drugs. In other words, insurance companies are always more interested in not paying for coverage than paying for coverage. 

Insurance Companies Do Not Insure Health, But Injury and Sickness

At REVV Health, one of the methods we use to identify a deficiency are blood tests. Blood tests are used because they reveal a lot about a person’s overall health. But just because REVV uses methods that are consistent with other medical practices, that does not mean we provide the same type of service that may be covered by your insurance. 

For one thing, our overall goals differ from those addressed through conventional medicine and insurance. Your medical insurance plan will cover a doctor’s visit and a prescription for an antibiotic for an infection. But if your doctor tells you your overall health would improve if you exercised regularly and consumed more fiber, your insurance company will not cover the cost of an exercise bicycle and bran muffins. 

The fact is, insurance is there to provide financial coverage for you when something is quantifiably wrong. For instance, when a blood test marker falls outside of the established lab value range. This approach can lead to a lack of emphasis on preventative care and alternative approaches to maintaining optimal health. Insurance companies, and even doctors who work with them, are driven by cost considerations. Often, they do not take into account the long-term benefits of preventative care – even though, by doing so, they might improve their patients’ health and help their clients save money on medical care over the long term.

REVV Health: Live Your Best Life

Your hormones, produced by your endocrine system, regulate multiple aspects of your overall condition, including your growth, metabolism, sleep habits, mood, energy levels, muscle mass, and fertility. Consequently, when your hormone levels are low, or if certain hormones are out of balance, it can negatively impact how you feel and perform physically, mentally, and emotionally.

At REVV Health, we review a blood analysis, along with patient feedback, to help our clients achieve optimal hormonal production and balance. When your typical primary care doctor orders blood work, they often only look at a very limited number of hormone markers, if any at all. And even when they do, they are generally satisfied if the levels fall within a “normal range.” In other words, your doctor is only looking for something seriously wrong. Doctors will not go beyond that and advise you on how to live your life to achieve optimal health.

At REVV, Our goal is to help our clients to live more vibrant lives. We don’t work with insurance companies because that would limit our ability to truly help our patients. Instead, we have negotiated very low prices for lab tests, hormones and other anti-aging compounds to help create a more affordable option for hormone optimization. Doctors who work with insurance companies have to worry about whether the services they are offering and the time they are spending with their patients will be compensated by their patient’s insurance policies. We don’t work that way. If our clients need us to spend an hour going over their blood work results, we’ll take the time to do it. Because our clients are paying, and not insurance companies, we ensure that they get the attention they deserve.
To find out more about REVV Health and what we can do for you, contact REVV Health today.