How many times have you made a New Year’s Resolution in the form of “I’m going to get in shape this year,” only to see December’s “good intention” devolve into “Meh, I should probably lose about 10 pounds” by Valentine’s Day?

Part of the problem may be that you associate being “healthy” with simply losing extra weight or exercising more. But the fact is, many people whom you think are “in shape” are not as healthy as they could be. Health is not just about having the right BMI and a well-used FitBit. A lot has to do with bringing your body into hormonal balance and harmony.

Health should not be just about making you look great but more about making you feel great. The truth is, if you feel great, chances are, you will achieve the “looking great” goal, as well. So doesn’t it make more sense to focus first on feeling great?

Hormonal Health is Critical

So how do you get to feeling great? It starts with understanding your own body. 

Biologists study the body by breaking it down into its major systems. The number of systems depends on how they are broken down (some say 7, or 9, or 11, and so on), but they include your cardiovascular system, circulatory system, skeletal system, reproductive system, digestive system, and so on.

When it comes to health, nearly everyone is sensitive to the problems they may experience with digestion or their joints and bones for example, but one system that often gets overlooked in terms of health is the endocrine system. Your endocrine system is the system that regulates your hormone production and balance. So what are we talking about?

It seems like people only refer to hormones when talking about sexual development and drive, and your hormones most certainly affect that. But your hormonal activity goes far beyond sex. Hormones regulate all of your body’s systems and how they function, affecting growth, sleep, metabolism, mood, weight, reproduction, menopause (for women), sensory perception – even breathing. Hormonal imbalances or improper functioning of your endocrine system can lead to diabetes, Cushing’s disease, Graves’ disease, and other problems – even some cancers. In other words, the proper functioning of your endocrine system is vital to your overall physical and mental health.

Your doctor does not ignore your endocrine system, but chances are, your physician only worries when a problem arises. When you get a blood test, the doctor usually checks it to ensure that your levels are within “normal ranges” for someone of your age and sex. But the doctor will not call your attention to anything unless it reveals a serious problem in need of medical attention. That is important, of course, but it is different from keeping you in optimal health. A doctor’s mission is to treat ailments, not to be the personal health coach for their patients.

Revitalize With REVV

Your health goal should set a higher bar, and good health starts with the basics. At REVV, based on extensive research and case studies, hormonal balance and optimization are at the core of your health. Accordingly, our mission is to help you achieve optimal hormonal balance and harmony. Once you reach that goal, we are confident that you will find that your other health goals are more straightforward and more achievable. Hormonal balance and optimization mean that your body’s other systems will function at their peak, improving your mood, energy level, and zest for life.

In 2023, get off the New Year’s Resolution treadmill – an endless track that never goes anywhere. Instead, make a real commitment to your health by coming to REVV. Based on a detailed analysis of your periodic blood tests, we will provide you with the information you need to understand what your body is telling you and provide you with the appropriate compounds that will take your health to the next level. For more information about what we can offer and what you can expect, contact REVV today.